Wednesday, June 11, 2014

紧急护理中心 如雨後春筍在零售商店街 More urgent care centers operating in retail centers



“紧急护理中心也开始流行起来了南佛罗里达,”格雷戈里·马特斯,商业地产公司富兰克林街的区域管理合伙人说。 “他们是方便,很不错的购物中心业主,因为他们填补了不少空缺。”

十月份,浸会生南佛罗里达州开了一个紧急护理诊所从Sawgrass Mills购物中心对面。从那时起,该诊所已经看到了3,100例患者,根据每日商业评论。

在博卡拉顿,西弗吉尼亚州为基础的MedExpress紧急护理已在汇丰广场签订了租赁。而自2005年以来,MD现在医疗中心已开通跨越南佛罗里达州的22个地点 - 其中18个是在商场。

“如果我们不是在一个购物中心,我们希望在零售业的组合是正确的,”考特尼Yergens,房地产开发的MD现在的导演,告诉每日商业评论。 [DBR] - 克里斯托弗·卡梅隆


Landlords increasingly looking to medical clinics to fill vacancies

In an attempt to cut down on costly emergency room trips, medical companies are opening up small clinics in retail outlets across South Florida.

“Urgent care centers are starting to pop up all over South Florida,” said Gregory Matus, regional managing partner of the commercial real estate firm Franklin Street. “They’re convenient and very good for shopping center owners because they’re filling a lot of vacancies.”

In October, Baptist Health South Florida opened an urgent care clinic across from the Sawgrass Mills mall. Since then the clinic has seen 3,100 patients, according to the Daily Business Review.

In Boca Raton, West Virginia-based MedExpress Urgent Care has signed a lease at the HSBC Plaza. And since 2005, MD Now Medical Centers has opened 22 locations across South Florida – 18 of which are in shopping centers.

“If we’re not in a shopping center, we like to be right in the mix of the retail trade,” Courtenay Yergens, MD Now’s director of real estate and development, told the Daily Business Review. [DBR] – Christopher Cameron

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