Saturday, August 4, 2012

FAST FACTS about the world’s wealthy: The wealthy are back and ready to buy real estate

FAST FACTS about the world’s wealthy: The wealthy are back and ready to buy real estate

If you are seeing an increase in luxury buyers in your market, there are at least two good reasons why.
  1. The number of worldwide wealthy has recovered from the 2008 downturn, when the number of HNWIs plummeted from 10.1 million to 8.6 million in just one year. The current HNWI number has risen to a record 11 million.

    Total wealth controlled by wealthy households has also increased since a five year low point in 2008, rising from $32.8 million to $42.0.

    These statistics from The Capgemini/RBC World Wealth Report for 2012, offer good news for luxury real estate since demand for homes depends heavily upon the number of households who can afford them.

  2. The post-recession affluent are also in a home shopping mood. Research done last year by Barclay's found that 57% of HNWIs want to increase their residential property portfolios in 2012. This buying attitude is most likely a result of lifestyle desires as well as the view that residential real estate is an investment opportunity and smart portfolio play.

    Here’s what one billionaire has to say about buying luxury property now.

    “Trophy (property) assets are probably the most resilient and successful investment options at the moment, and will be for the foreseeable future.”
    --John Caudwell, Billionaire , 2012

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